Monday, January 12, 2009

Juror for the WORLD OF TOMORROW!!!!! pt.1

Thats right me on jury duty, well this is me 4th day of jury duty so I'm not quite done yet so no details on the case yet, however i am here to tell the tales of my experience so far that has been OUTSIDE of the Courtroom and the deliberation room. First day was basically orientation which consisted of a 30 minute video of pure boredom that told everyone that Jury Duty is a Privilege and your Civic Duty. Civic duty i can understand....but a Privilege?! HA! thats what i say to that and guess what i'll say it again HA! Now after that snore fest i waited, and waited, and waited, for about 3 hours mind you i got there at 7:30am and i have nothing but a book to keep me entertained and this coming from a person who's life revolves around electronics that was Hell. Now Children it wasn't all bad after that 3 hour wait i was called to be on a jury i think that calls for a yay.... maybe not.... now they then send us to the 16th floor of the Cleveland Justice center and as i look out the window i think to myself as I glance down to a near by rooftop "HOLY HELL! That looks like the roof of the Hospital in Left 4 Dead!" thus causing me to bring my Zombie survival guide with me the next couple days. Now then i began to think "wow this place could be a suitable place for a Downtown hideaway. Just hear me out it has i think 20 or so floors, a cafeteria on the 4th floor. for the most part it would be a good temporary strong hold.
ok i got off topic well i should save some stuff for Pt. 2

and now your moment of zen
-"Uh oh, I lost that damn 'will to live' again." Caroline -

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