Saturday, February 7, 2009


Crappit i haven't posted anything in a while. Well lets see hmmm WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK!!!!!!! thats my current life sure my week off in PA was nice but then i was thrown back into my usual loop and sadly i was not back in the swing of things. Now this post will not be very long but i would like to inform you that soon my Death Knight Alter Ego Aelerong will have a blog and maybe also Blindmag just for shits and giggles. This idea came from Ryan and well it sounds fun and it could be a way to get some creativity and role playing back into my life. So expect to see Aelerong defiantly in the near future

and now your moment of Zen

"player 1: Stay out of IF, horde are raiding hardcore
player 1: theyre everywhere
player 1: wtf, theyre just killing everything
player 2: thats what they do.
player 1: theres like 40 of them just standing around waiting outside the IF bank. why???
plalyer 1: dont they have anything better to do???
player 3: Maybe they want a loan."

Trade channel, Chromaggus - Alliance